Development of Sales and Inventory Workflow Management Information System Web Portal for Petrospan Integrated Services, Eket, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Adanna Ngozi Ezeonwumelu, Akinloye Bolanle Eunice, Isaac A. Ezenugu


In this paper, the development of Sales and Inventory Workflow Management Information System (SIWfMS) web portal for Petrospan Integrated Services, Eket, Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria was presented. Rapid Application Development (RAP) methodology is used in the web application development. Three-tier architecture based on WAMP server configuration was adopted. The WAMP server was made up of Windows Operating system; Apache web server, MySQL database system and PHP server-side scripting langue. The SIWfMS web application developed had five modules, namely, the Administrator Module, the Inventory Module, the Sales Officer Module, the Customer Module and the About Us. The system included activity or transaction log that enabled the implementation of audit trail mechanism. The SIWfMS web application was hosted locally and tested with some sample users and user-generated contents.


Web Portal; Workflow; Sales Process; Inventory Process; Process Map; Workflow Management System

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