Parametric Analysis of Isolated Doubled Edged Hill Diffraction Loss Based on Rounded Edge Diffraction Loss Method and Different Radius of Curvature Methods

Mfonobong Charles Uko, Uduak Etim Udoka, Chibuzo Promise Nkwocha


In this paper, parametric analysis of isolated doubled edged hill diffraction loss based on rounded edge diffraction loss method is presented. Particularly, the variation of the diffraction loss due to changes in frequency and radius of curvature of the rounded edge of isolated doubled edged hill obstruction are studied. Also, the ITU-R P.526-13 rounded edge diffraction method is used to compute the diffraction loss. However, the radius of curvature is computed using two approaches, namely, the ITU-R P.526-13 method and the occultation distance based method. The results show that the rounded edge diffraction computed based on the  ITU-R P.526-13  radius of curvature method is much higher than the one computed with the occultation distance based radius of curvature approach. At frequency of 1 GHz, the percentage difference in diffraction loss  is about 29 % and the difference increases with frequency to as high as 74.5 % at 36 GHz. Similarly, the ITU-R P.526-13 radius of curvature is extremely higher than the occultation distance based radius of curvature. At frequency of 1 GHz, the percentage difference in radius of curvature  is about 218 % and the difference increases with frequency to as high as 395 % at 36 GHz. In view of the results, the ITU-R P.526-13 radius of curvature method should be reviewed to ascertain the specific conditions it can be employed.


Radius of Curvature; Rounded Edge Obstruction; ITU 526-13 Method; Occultation Distance; Double Edged Hilltop; Single Edged Hilltop; Fresnel Zone; Radius of Fresnel Zone

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